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Showing posts from August, 2018

Furniture for Apartment Flats..!

Special challenges need to be met that make apartment garage living different than a home. First, square footage has to be maximized to its fullest. Apartment garages are small, so every inch of the floor plan has to be accounted for when selecting and placing furniture. An oversized sofa or large L-shaped sofa may be exactly what you want, but once you get them in a small space, suddenly they may appear monstrous in size. Carefully choose the furniture pieces so that they are multi-functional as well as comfortable. Some great examples of versatile furniture pieces include a futon or sofabed that offers additional sleeping space as well as space for seating when entertaining. Or, use an ottoman to double as a stool for seating or propping your legs up after a long day, or even add a tray on top for an easy additional table that can be placed anywhere anytime. Stacking tables also offer added function by using very little space, but they can be separated to provide extra table space n